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Contractor Biz Corner




Tax Planning At Year end

The end of the year is coming, time to start tax planning. Here are some things to consider as we come to the end of the year:

1. Get up-to-date with your financials
2. Outline projections for the end of the year
3. Meet with your tax filer
4. Compare last years taxes
5. Make informed decisions and tax action

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Book Review - The road less stupid

We focus on the book: The Road Less Stupid: Advice from the Chairman of the Board by Keith J. Cunningham. 

Find it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Road-Less-Stupid-Keith-Cunningham/dp/0984659269

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Hiking Lessons for business

It's no secret that I enjoy hiking, but how can hiking relate to business? What lessons can we take from hiking and apply to our businesses? This episode will tell you. 

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Interview with Courtney about marketing on social media and websites

Join us and special guest Courtney Rudolph, owner of Elevate Marketing Studios, as we discuss how contractors can market their business through social media and websites.

To contact Courtney, follow her Instagram @elevatemarketingstudios or through her website.

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Taxes, entities, and depreciation

On this episode, we discuss taxes, depreciation, S-corps, estimated taxes, and the ever important need to communicate and find the right team for your business strategy. Bottom line, we want you to keep more of your money, and proper books and tax planning is a key part of that objective.

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Scope Of Work

Stay away from Scope Creep by making sure your company has a clear contract on the scope of work so that every part involved is aware of what their involvement is and what exactly is going to happen.   

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Marekting tips and interview with jake goates

Jake Goates has worked in construction and now runs a marketing company, offering a free blue print for how to better leverage and implement marketing strategies for your business.

Join Joshua Irvine and Jake Goates as they discuss budgets, strategies, and trends that affect their businesses.

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Bookkeeping and Taxes - a primer

One thing is for sure in the world of business - TAXES! 

They have to be done whether you enjoy them or not, so make sure you do them right. 

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Challenge Business Advice

As business owners there is a lot of advice on how you should be running your business and what you should do, but businesses aren't a one size fits all. It is okay, and you should, look at the advice that's given and tweak it to fit your business. 

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Interview With Troy Thompson about running a home inspection and plumbing company

Join us as we interview with Troy Thompson from Nook and Kranny and his journey as a business owner.

To contact Troy, follow their Facebook page at Nook & Kranny Inspection Services or email at troy@nook-n-kranny.com

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Cost Plus vs Flat Fee Construction contracts

There are different ways to go about getting paid. Learn the pros and cons of going the cost plus route vs the pros and cons of going the flat fee route to help you determine which is better for your business. 

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Delegation 101 - Do’s and Don’ts

In order to grow your business, you have to be able to trust the people you have hired, and let go of some control. 

It can be difficult to try and find that balance, listen to Contractor Biz Corner for some tips on how to find that right middle ground. 

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Legal Tips for Liens and How to File

The lien process can be difficult to navigate and is the cause of a lot of frustration for a lot of my clients. Come along in our discussion as we talk about the lien process. 

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Contracts are a vital part of running a business. Join our host, Joshua Irvine as he discusses the 5 things you need to be aware of when it comes to contracts.

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HR Interview with Spencer phillips

In this episode, I interview Spencer Phillips.

We discussed how documenting conversations with your employees can save you time and energy in the long run, non-competes, and the difference between 1099's and employees.  

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liens: Overview and Strategy

What is a lien? 
It is a legal basis for you to be able to collect payment on the work, service, or materials provided for a job. 

While each state may vary on certain rules, this podcast talks about liens in general and how to make sure that you are paid for your services provided. 

If you have any questions, I am happy to jump on a call to discuss your situation. 

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Grow your business with systems

A business that is built to sell will have systems in place that will operate independent of the owner. 

Having systems in place can help increase your business' value by 2-3 times. Learn about how to create systems and the importance of having systems for the growth and value of your business. 

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Build Your Board of Advisors

There are multiple ways and reasons to build a board of advisors to help you with your business. Learn more about the different approaches and how a ‘Board of Advisors’ can help you in your business.

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3 quotes to inspire your business: branson, browning, and prefontaine

These three quotes have really inspired me and helped me in my journey as a business owner:

  • "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."  - Steve Prefontaine

  • "The little more, and how much it is, and the little less, are worlds away." - Robert Browning

  • "If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity and you're not sure you can do it, say yes, and then learn how to do it later." - Sir Richard Branson

    Protect what you build!

Five Stages of Change

This week's episode we talk about the psychology of change. There are 5 stages to change:
1. Pre-Contemplation
2. Contemplation
3. Preparation/Determination
4. Action/Willpower
5. Maintenance
which one are you on?

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Tips about liquidated damages and retention payments

As a contractor business, you are most likely going to have to deal with Liquidated Damages and Retention Payments. Let's go over some tips that can help you navigate through them. 

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Increasing Efficiency by Using Email and Phones Better

Improve your efficiency as a business owner by considering how to use your phones and email better and not get bogged down with constant distractions.

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The 80/20 Principle

The majority of your outcome comes from the minority of your input. Learn how to apply the 80/20 principle in your business. 

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Book review of who not how

We focus on the book: Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork. 

This is a 150-200 page book and I recommend adding this bible to your library and help you shift your mindset to see results and growth. 

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Practicing Extreme Ownership

Successful leadership requires:

1.) Developing and practicing extreme ownership
What is extreme ownership? It's realizing that ALL responsibility for success and failure falls on the leader. You must set aside your ego, acknowledge mistakes, and admit failure.
2.) It's not what you preach, it's what you tolerate
There are no bad teams. There are only bad leaders. If there are no consequences to wrong actions, that becomes the new standard. 

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Welcome to contractor biz corner

What is Contractor Biz Corner? 

It is a podcast geared towards contractors and construction businesses and business owners. 

We'll answer frequently asked questions, share ideas, swap war stories on owning a business, and so much more. 

Protect what you build!